Tuesday, February 3, 2009



It is said that in the Kyoto there are four spiritual creations which each of them are the guard of sky and earth in the points of compass. Every creation symbolic by four animals which none listed in Chinese zodiac. The four of animal represented for seasons ( spring, summer, autumn, and winter ) , color, and five elements (wood , fire , earth , metal , and water )that each creation has relation with seven field of stars ( seishuku) which based the rotation moon’s orbit. This mythology assumed exist in Japan about 7 century, and based astrology. The oracles believed the four creations protect Kyoto which well known by Shisin or Shijin (Shi= 4, Jin = God). Shinjin consists by Seiryuu, Byakko, Suzaku, and Genbu.

Seiryuu (comes from kanji sei = Blue/ green and ryuu = dragon) which has blue / green dragon symbol believed take care of east. This dragon represented spring caused blue / green represent water element. Because of its element, Seiryuu assumed controlled rain (the emperor’s symbol), fill the river even the ocean. Seiryu composed by seven seishuku, they are Su Boshi,Ami Boshi,Soi boshi,Nakago Boshi,Ashitare boshi, and Mi Boshi. Seiryuu often competed by Suzaku as opponent.

Suzaku (comes from kanji shu = red and jaku = sparrow) which described by a red phoenix. Suzaku takes the position at south that represents summer. Its color has mean fire element. Seven Suzaku’s seishuku are Chiciri Boshi, Tamahome Boshi, Nuriko Boshi, Hotohori Boshi, Chiriko Boshi, Tasuki Boshi, and Mitsukake Boshi.

At west, there is Byakko (comes from kanji haku = white and tora = tiger). Byakko has symbol a white tiger and represent autumn. Its white always matched by metal. Sometime, Byakko could turn into a Kirin, the animal has head dreagon, form of deer, has horse’s nails and one horn. People believed that Kirin would be appearing at the birth moment or death moment of the great and wise person. Seven seishuku of Byakko and Kirin are Tokaki Boshi, Tatara Boshi,Ekie Boshi,Toroki Boshi,and Kagasuki Boshi.

The fourth god is Genbu (comes from kanji gen = black, and bu = soldier) whom exist in the north.Genbu described by a black turtle whom represent winter. The color black is the earth element. One reason why the soldier always supposing by turtle because it’s strong shell always becoming defend shield for the soldier at the war. Genbu always characterized the wisdom and long live always together a snake in Japan legend. Seven seishuku of them are Hikitsu BoshiInami Boshi, Uruki Boshi, Tomite Boshi, Umiyame Boshi, Hatsui Boshi, and NanameBoshi.

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